
Hands on Adjustments & Assists

Touch in yoga is a big can of worms – and we’re going to open it. There’s a lot of people who are entirely AGAINST the idea, there’s a lot of people who are entirely FOR the idea, and there’s a huge number of people somewhere in the middle who aren’t certain how to go about it or if they should. I’m guessing that’s you in the middle.

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Shoulder Therapy with Manual Release

The shoulders are probably one of the more common areas that we encounter discomfort (and then try to ignore it in the hopes it goes away). Instead of ignoring it, this workshop will start to take you through ways to investigate your shoulder stuff. You’ll spend the first part of class being guided through some specific manual release points (including but not limited to the rotator cuff muscles), and then afterwards we’ll zoom in with some movement practices to activate and stretch those same structures.

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Special Events

Mosaic Outreach

Mosaic is proud to be raising funds and awareness for a different local charity or non-profit each month to connect the feeling of community within our studios to the larger community around us. Learn more about what these amazing organizations do, how you can help and donate to help them in their causes. And for an extra dose of community spirit, join us in two led-practices to raise money! All proceeds go the chosen monthly organization. Can’t wait to see you there!

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Mosaic 2025 Challenge

Keep the momentum of the new year going with spirit, hope and guts. The Mosaic Challenge is back! Take 30 classes in 30 days from February 3rd – March 2nd. Any livestream or in-person class, any time of day. Get your spice in Barre, your sweetness in Yin and Restorative, your sweat in our Annex warm classes…it’s all here!

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Tune In, Zone Out – Sound Bath & Restorative

In this special offering, we merge restorative yoga shapes with a live sound bath. Participants are invited to tune in to Tash’s numerous instruments which create a supportive, atmospheric soundscape. Within a backdrop of rich sound, Taryn curates a sequence of postures designed to clear the mind and soften the body.

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Massage Night

This workshop will give you a taste of what Thai massage can be - whether or not you’re looking to study further, it is a great opportunity to explore touch with a friend, family member or partner. It’s a great way to spend quality time with loved ones - and the benefit is you can keep practicing on one another at home, which will help you long-term with the general aches and pains we all encounter through stress and injury.

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Spring Awakening

Spring is a time of great expansion and opening in the natural world, where energetically there’s a movement of potential going upwards and outwards. In this workshop we’ll explore essential therapeutic practices from taoist energy cultivation, restorative and yin yoga that clear the stagnant energy from winter, release tension and help us to be more aligned with a free and easy seasonal shift into Spring.

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Birthday Parties

Want to give your kid a birthday experience they won’t forget? Our team of incredible instructors are waiting to host the yoga or dance birthday party of your dreams!

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Community Thai Massage

Community Thai massage is a way for folx to access affordable massage/bodywork/energy healing.  Thai massage is a comprehensive modality that combines body & energy work. it is a whole-body experience that promotes balance & healing. 

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Teacher Trainings

20-Hour Yoga Nidra Teacher Training

Yoga boasts a wealth of subtle practices, the kind that surprise one with their efficacy and simplicity. This training invites participants into a relationship with one of yoga’s subtle gems: Yoga Nidra. Walk away with both the confidence and excitement to offer this practice to yourself, your family or your students. This program is about more than becoming a nidra teacher, this is about equipping you with the know-how to rest and relieve stress. Yoga nidra is an effective tool for new parents, caregivers, seasoned students and instructors alike. This program is one-of-a-kind and barrier-free: all bodies, all levels of experience (including none!) are welcomed.

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40-Hour Mat Pilates Teacher Training

Are you a movement teacher who is looking to add Pilates to your skillset? Looking for something more progressive and adaptive than classical Pilates or another set sequence? The 40-Hour Mat Pilates Teacher Training for Movement Professionals Program brings together the art and tradition of mat pilates with a progressive take on how to adapt for all bodies and skill levels. Morgan believes in creating intelligent, accessible, fun and challenging practices. 

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40-Hour Restorative and Pranayam Teacher Training

This training invites participants into a relationship with one of yoga’s subtle gems: Restorative Yoga. Together, we’ll assemble a toolkit that will empower you to facilitate spaces of rest online and in person. Tools will include: awareness of how the body moves; eleven templates (poses) for rest; and simple breathwork practices.

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Teaching Yoga in Equity Deserving Communities: Accessible Yoga Teacher Training

Over one weekend, teachers from the Right2Yoga (R2Y) will offer dynamic training in accessible, trauma sensitive, and anti-oppressive yoga practices. Teaching yoga in community requires a unique set of skills and knowledge. This training will build connections between yoga teaching skills, yoga philosophy and social justice work, with the aim to prepare trainees to step into these vital roles.

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200-Hour Mosaic Yoga Teacher Training

Are you looking for a community where you feel welcome showing up just as you are? Or even more, are you looking for a way to feel at home in the world? And finally, do you want to live your life in a way that feels like it assists other beings to feel that same sense of belonging and ease?

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Pre Registered Classes

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We are excited to offer in-depth in-studio workshops and out-of studio retreats in areas like:

  • Fundamental techniques in yoga, pilates, barre etc
  • Mindfulness Meditation
  • Therapeutic practices
  • Yoga philosophy
  • Advanced physical postures (handstand, arm balances etc)
  • Core support
  • Yoga as a way to support personal growth and wellness
  • Nutrition and wellness
  • Support for parenting

Want to request something specific? Contact us anytime!

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